Heel ulcers, found on the back of the foot, start as soft tissue and can proceed to bone injuries caused by not only prolonged pressure on the skin but also poor quality blood flow to the area. These are most often seen in bedridden patients who do not have the ability to get out of bed and move around.

Conservative care attempts to remove the pressure from the heel area, but if it fails the person can face continued breakdown until the only choice is the loss of the leg.

A “Sub-Total Calcanectomy” is a surgical procedure described in the medical literature nearly forty years ago where the exposed soft tissue and bone, or rather the infected part of the Achilles tendon and exposed calcaneus bone, are surgically removed and the skin is closed. This will alter the way a person walks but if the area successfully heals, the patient keeps their foot and leg.

The right lower leg before

the right lower leg before

The right lower leg immediate after

the right lower leg afterthe right lower leg after

The right lower leg after

the right lower leg after

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